Kurjenkylä is a village of good 300 inhabitants. It is located in the west/south-west border of Virrat, next to Alavus, Kihniö and Seinäjoki. From Kurjenkylä there are good connections to several directions: to the center of Virrat about 20km, to Seinäjoki 70km and to Tampere 120km. The focal point of the village is the village hall, completed in the year 2000. It gives the opportunity to organize large and small events and celebrations in the village.
The landscape is coloured by the numerous swamps and lakes and the Kurjenjoki river is floating through the village. The Kurjenkylä school is located on a watershed. Kurjenkylä is typical watershed area, stony and rugged. The people here are used to the fact that earning a living doesn't come easy so here the neighbourly spirit still lives on, nobody is left alone! Kurjenkylä provides a close to nature, safe and communal living.