Tekstikoko aA




The village of Killinkoski is located halfway between Virrat and Ähtäri, by the main road 68. Killinkoski was chosen as the village of the year in Pirkanmaa region in 2005. In 2009 Killinkoski was awarded to be nationwide one of the most valuable cultural environments. Sights worth visiting include for example the church of Killinkoski, a wooden church from the year 1928 designed by Finland's most famous church architect Josef Stenbäck.

The old ribbon factory complex of Killinkoski offers a variety of exhibitions and museums, all of which have free entrance. The summer season of the old factory complex, maintained by the village association, begins on the first of June every year, when all of the destinations open up for the audience and are open until the end of September. Other times of the year open on agreement. The market days and collector's event, organised every year on the last weekend of July, gathers thousands of visitors.

The following attractions can be visited in the Killinkoski old factory complex:

  • Ribbon industry museum, the only one on the Nordic countries
  • Camera heaven - the camera museum of Finland
  • Camera heaven gallery (monthly exhibitions)
  • Nostalgic toys -exhibition (teddy bear and toy-themed exhibition)
  • Killi's hair salon (showpieces from old hair salon in Killinkoski)
  • Collection of old equipment of the voluntery fire department
  • Artist Marjaliisa Pitkäranta summer atelier
  • Gallery "Killin Kalleria", changing exhibitions during the summer
  • Collection of old educational materials
  • Flea market and second hand bookshop
  • A cosy museum café

You can find more information in our website and the old factory complex can be found on Facebook by searching "Killinkoski Wanha tehdasmiljöö".