Tekstikoko aA



Myllyoja forest nature trail

The Myllyoja forest, located near the centre of Virrat, is a spectacular forest destination. The area has a nature trail over varied terrain that is almost 2 km long. The path is clearly marked on the trees in red and, in many places, also with signs. Along the forest nature trail, there are 14 information boards with a wide range of information about the area. There are many duckboards on the trail.

The Myllyoja forests are spruce on the depressions and pine at higher altitudes. Plant species include May lily and stone bramble, while birds such as the common chiffchaff can be spotted. The fern species are representative and abundant. The trail is flanked by impressive rocky cliffs in the middle reaches of the area, and the Myllyoja River, which gives the area its name, flows westwards some distance from the western part of the nature trail.

The Myllyoja nature trail can be reached from the center of Virrat driving along Sipiläntie and turning right from the top of the hill Pukkivuori and then following the dirt road for about 1 km. There is a small parking area 800 metres from the Sipiläntie road. The starting point of the nature trail is next to the parking area.

The map for the nature trail can be found here (in Finnish).

N: 62,231683
E: 23,740705