Tekstikoko aA



Welcome to Virrat!

Virrat is a popular summer town in northern Pirkanmaa-region. With its hundreds of lakes, beautiful scenery and a rich cultural heritage it offers a variety of sights and experiences for everyone! Here the summer can be seen and sensed in happy people, good service and in all of the numerous summer events, especially in the villages of Virrat.

In the winter Virrat offers many outdoor activities, including ice-climbing, good ski tracks and a ski slope. For groups we offer ready-made package tours and tour guide services all year round. You can take a closer look at the sights, services and villages in Virrat by clicking the links in the sidebar.

For cycling-enthusiasts Virrat and its surroundings offer great opportunities. Virrat is also a part of the Näsijärvireitti-cycling tour, which starts from Tampere. A part of the journey can be made by the steam boat Tarjanne, which operates between Tampere and Virrat.

Additional information about Virrat and the current events is available in Virrat tourism information:

Virrat travel brochure (pdf)                                

Virrat Tourist Information

City hall
Virtaintie 26
34800 Virrat
tel. +358 (0)3 485 1276